About Lavender Love for the Seasons.

Lavender, from “lavar” or to wash, is steeped in medicinal, garden & aromatic history!

Simply inhaling Lavender essential oil is a ritual pleasure carried down the ages to today.  Lavender essential oils have an attraction to all 7 of our bodily systems.

Whenever we need assistance with mood (depression, anxiety, irritability, tension), digestive upset, circulation issues, aches and pains, inflammation, and more, we can choose Lavender’s flowering tops in blends with other plant parts—floral, green, seeds, resins, woods, and roots—for their healing essences.

A Series of Aroma Oils Described

A series of botanical perfumes for inhalation & relaxation is shown below. Lavender harmonizes aromatic herbs, leaves, spices, resins and woods to create expressions of scented beauty, to ease the breath, calming us.

LAVENDER LOVE – the Blends


Rose – Lavender Aroma Oil

Intimately Rose. Rose aromas have a deeply individual, personal effect on us.

Consider Lavender combined with essential oils of Rose, Geranium and Rosewood, all aromas with a rosy aspect, sophisticated, sweet and floral. Rose and Lavender bestow that quality of calm we crave.

Roses elevate our emotional tendencies toward optimism, even euphoria, evoking a safe and protected personal sanctuary. Rose-Lavender Aroma Oil and a few moments of quiet time lends blissful calm to your day.




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Sandalwood – Lavender Aroma Oil

Sandalwood & Your Deepest Soul 

Lavender naturally likes the wood-smoky scent of Sandalwood and the pungency of Patchouli, formulating a low-key trio.

Your deeper soul is fed by inhaling spiritual essences such as Sandalwood and Patchouli. Harmonized by Lavender, this very sweet-earthy blend is so comforting when seeking solace, or attuning the chakras to hold gratitude for abundance and let go of focus on negative dispositions.




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Lemongrass – Lavender Aroma Oil

Lemongrass amplifies cooling down or quieting the mind when combined with Lavender.

Lavender and Lemongrass make a delightfully light, citrus aroma.

Along with Tulsi, the Holy Basil, this combination with Lemongrass soothes psychical pains* of the physical body, muscles and exterior that sometimes need a calming influence. These three essential oils, Lavender, Lemongrass and Tulsi, are devoted to the harmony of body and soul.




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Eucalyptus – Lavender Aroma Oil

Eucalyptus is a premier essential oil for advocating clarity in the mind and emotions.

Narrow-leaf Eucalyptus also pairs with Spike Lavender for a strong, bright, and breath-opening aroma.

Narrow-leaf Eucalyptus is also known as Black Peppermint Eucalyptus. It’s focus is much softer than the more intense Eucs, thus it settles into this blend with Spike Lavender, a Lavender with Eucalyptus-like notes. Together they create a respiratory defense against colds and flus, and inspire the emotionally cold or despondent feelings that cloud our outlook from time to time.


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Rosalina – Yuzu Aroma Oil

Rosalina has a sweet-pungent fragrance, that restores the spirit, easing emotional stagnation.

Meet Rosalina, an evergreen tea tree, and Yuzu, a citrus fruit of the temperate regions of China and Japan.

Offering a combined sweet character, the deeply rich and citrus-y Yuzu is matched by fresh and pungent aromatic leaves of Rosalina. Yuzu is known in the kitchen and for self-care, in countries of East Asia that praise its fruit and the Yuzu-Mandarin for their aromas and health-promoting benefits. Its aroma is intensely citrus and lemon-like.



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 Cinnamon – Lavender Aroma Oil

The Cinnamon tree is an age-old remedy to counteract emotional coldness, mind fatigue, depression.

Delights abound with an in-season treat of sweet-spices of Cinnamon and Lavender, along with touches of honey and pungency from Chamomile and Ginger. This blend of Cinnamon leaf, Lavender leaf and flower, Chamomile flower, and fresh Ginger root essences is rich and lively.




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Want a Lavender Love blend you see above?

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Can’t decide?  I can help you choose a Lavender Series Aroma Oil.  Send me a message, here, and write “My Scent?” in the subject line.

NOTES: Lavender Love Series of Aroma Oils have been formulated to create beautiful / comforting / relaxing, or stimulating aromas for relaxation or meditation.  Studies have shown the mixture of select essential oils are physically beneficial. And yet these blends are made available for quiet enjoyment, rather than to cure any disease.

Kinds of Lavender essential oils:  There are many–I count 8–kinds of Lavender and its essential oils.  It is important for quality and therapeutics to be sure of your Lavender type.  In this series, the True Lavender essence (Lavandula angustifolia) is grown in France, England, the U.S. (Pacific Northwest), Japan and India.  As well, Spike Lavender, one of the 8 mentioned above, is grown in France, Spain, and Dalmatia.

Select essential oils are made from endangered species.  The Rosewood (Aniba roseaodora) in my Lavender Love Series Aroma Oil, Rose-Lavender, is sourced from an environmentally responsible farm which harvests leaves and twigs of the tree rather than the entire tree’s heartwood.

Use of essential oils as described above is for external use only, and specifically for inhalation and quiet enjoyment as an addition to relaxation or a meditation practice.  These blends are not intended to treat any medical condition.  If on any medication, or pregnant, nursing or trying to become pregnant, you should check with your health care provider before inhaling or applying these oils to your skin.

Do not use essential oils around or on children.

Copyright, LotusLadyAromatica, 2024