Lavender in Aromatic Blends

Lavender in Aromatic Blends

Lavender’s Love A Lavender’s Love is generous and free for the asking!  Yet, not all Lavenders smell the same.  So, because we have a few Lavenders—there are 6 named types* and more—I’ve chosen one of them (True Lavender or Lavandula angustifolia) to...
Herbs of the Fire Spirit

Herbs of the Fire Spirit

Steeped in history, herbal medicines and the essential oils of aromatherapy are well-described in Western cultural and herbal legend and lore. Get Your Muse’s Cap and Imagine with Me, as the essential oils or Aromas of Laurel, Lavender, Rosemary and Melissa...

Is It Natural – Part 1

Is It Natural? A Series — Part 1 The Natural Series is all about the ingredients in products that promise to beautify us or remedy an irritation we’ve been experiencing.  And it’s about how the word ‘natural’ is key to the promises and seemingly magical...
Aroma Memo–the Fire Spirit Flowers 2024

Aroma Memo–the Fire Spirit Flowers 2024

A Summer Aromatic Memo: Summer Aromatic Memos are about the flowers and leaves that have a unique nature, that of the “fire spirit”.  The Fire Spirit is an “inner teaching” * (see below) or a spiritual point of view that examines how we perceive our surroundings...
Aromatic Memo–Take An Aroma Break

Aromatic Memo–Take An Aroma Break

An Aromatic Memo:  Take a Break—an Aroma Break! My message in any season is full of the positive point of view.   Aromatics in Season are the Aromas of Plants & Essential Oils for good health in the face of seasonal challenges. Aromatics contribute to...