Colors & Seasonal Transitions

Colors & Seasonal Transitions

Colors in Nature & Seasonal Transitions I was thinking the other day how seasons impact us in so many ways. It seems that if we’re not ready when the seasons change, we can suffer a continuum of physical and emotional complaints. What’s hard to acknowledge is the...
Aroma Memo in Spring 2024

Aroma Memo in Spring 2024

Celebrate Spring! Even if you’re feeling low … Celebrate Spring because it’s a long-awaited season! With our five senses, we recognize new life arising in nature. And emotionally, signs of Spring imply new beginnings that make us happier. Long days and...
Green Scents – A Color to Smell

Green Scents – A Color to Smell

Green Scents are an Aromatic Advantage Green scents are an aromatic advantage we have in combinations of green, herbal and fruity aromas. Serving to add movement and to calm, the green scents link and provide intensity wherever needed to improve the overall aspect of...
About the Rose

About the Rose

Rose, Symbol of Love and Beauty Around the world, roses are symbolic of love and beauty. Their silky petals open to reveal a center full of stamens. Their thorns and slightly leathery green leaves protect the blooms, which are generally abundant. If the rose is wild,...
Double Notes for Two Precious Oils

Double Notes for Two Precious Oils

Two Precious Oils Of the most valuable scents, two are the most precious: Frankincense and Sandalwood.  Below I present some impressions of each oil, followed by blends with essential oils for emotional healing and joy. Frankincense Having medicinal value for many...