Jun 28, 2023 | Protect with Essence
Do you have a favorite anti-microbial scent? One that opens the breath and calms your nerves? The aromas of essential oils contain protective substances known as anti-microbials … Defined as a material that “resists or destroys pathogenic...
Jun 28, 2023 | Protect with Essence
You might be wondering how an aroma, a mere waft of scent-molecule-laden air, can possibly offer something solid, like protection? Insights follow into the inhalation or application of scents for protection. “Aromatic Protection”? Scents and aromas of...
Jun 2, 2023 | Discover Your Sense of Smell
If your heels are extremely dry, they are sending you a message. Likely, your dry skin has not been fed or moisturized for weeks or months, or longer! Once dehydrated, those outer layers want to be sloughed away, revealing new, softer skin beneath. You can help them...
Mar 6, 2023 | Discover Your Sense of Smell
Your Sense of Smell No matter your personal history, there’s something that you have regardless of good or bad in life. It’s an awareness your body uses to inform you. Actually help you. You’re not even aware of its scope, yet it’s worth more than gold in your...