About Lavender Love for the Seasons. Lavender, from "lavar" or to wash, is steeped in medicinal, garden & aromatic history! Simply inhaling Lavender essential oil is a ritual pleasure carried...
Engaging a Nature-Centered Lifestyle
The Natural Series, Part 3 Engaging a Nature-Centered LifestyleDefinitionsIn my mind, the phrase “engaging a nature-centered" or "natural lifestyle", has two meanings. Below I share my personal...
Aromatic Leaves for Fall Vitality
Fresh & Pungent, Aromatic Leaves EnlivenYour Vitality in FallDo you often get sick when the weather changes? Early Fall is an emotionally chaotic time of year. Feeling vulnerable is a bit...
Reading the Labels on Natural Cosmetics
The Natural Series, Part 2: Reading Labels on Natural Cosmetics The art of reading product labels is a skill that’s easy to learn.It will help you get the most for your money. Before...
Lavender in Aromatic Blends
Lavender's LoveA Lavender’s Love is generous and free for the asking! Yet, not all Lavenders smell the same. So, because we have a few Lavenders---there are 6 named types* and more---I’ve chosen...
Herbs of the Fire Spirit
Steeped in history, herbal medicines and the essential oils of aromatherapy are well-described in Western cultural and herbal legend and lore. Get Your Muse's Cap and Imagine with Me, as the...
Is It Natural – Part 1
Is It Natural? A Series -- Part 1 The Natural Series is all about the ingredients in products that promise to beautify us or remedy an irritation we’ve been experiencing. And it’s about how the...
Aroma Memo–the Fire Spirit Flowers 2024
A Summer Aromatic Memo: Summer Aromatic Memos are about the flowers and leaves that have a unique nature, that of the “fire spirit”. The Fire Spirit is an “inner teaching” * (see below) or a...
Aromatic Memo–Take An Aroma Break
An Aromatic Memo: Take a Break---an Aroma Break! My message in any season is full of the positive point of view. Aromatics in Season are the Aromas of Plants & Essential Oils for good...
Aromatic Duos & Pain Relief
Pain Relief from Two Essential Oils Clary Sage (for Clarity) and Lavender (for Constancy and Self-Confidence) are two sweet oils to captivate your senses. Because their natures fit perfectly with...